The Parents Organization of the Day School (PODS) is a parent volunteer organization that sponsors a variety of programs, events, and fundraisers throughout the school year. Through our volunteer efforts, we create a vital partnership that benefits our children and our exceptional staff. Participation in these activities is a wonderful opportunity to meet other St. Paul’s parents and form a stronger tie to your child’s school.
PODS Mission:
Our mission is to enrich your child’s experience at St. Paul’s through parent involvement. PODS provides volunteer and social opportunities for parents to strengthen the school community.

Volunteers at the annual gala organize auction winnings.
PODS Collaboration:
PODS works in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to broaden and enhance our ability to serve all children and families of the Day School. We work with the teachers, the Day School Director, the Day School Board and Parish Rector to bring in programs, presentations and items that will enrich and benefit the education of the students of the Day School.

Dads with their gala auction prize – St. Paul’s corn hole sets.
Volunteer with PODS
PODS volunteer signups are typically conducted at the start of the school year through Membership Toolkit – but there are always more opportunities to get involved! Email us to find out how – podsstpauls@gmail.com